We're STEMpump, a nonprofit dedicated to creating a global learning platform for contribution, collaboration, and expression.
Founded in September 2019, STEMpump is a non-profit organization dedicated to making STEAM education accessible to all.
And we're 100% student-led. Like completely student-led. From technology to content, student-driven innovation is at our core. We're taking the ways we learned, and giving everyone access.
STEAM education is all the rage. On STEMpump, learn whatever you want, however you want. Just like that.
We can help if you have to study for the test in the morning, or if you want to build an app in an hour. Got questions? Let us know, and we'll help you out.
Here are what real students have to say about STEMpump.
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How you learn is just as important as what you learn. Join a camp, and learn with us live. Or if you'd rather go at your own pace, maybe a course is a better fit.
Learn on the go with our award-winning app, or print our content for some offline learning. The choice is up to you.
Say hello to STEMpump Camps, a free and live online platform for students to explore STEAM.
Learn from courses, watch camps, take quizzes and projects, save your progress, and more.